
“One of the best life choices I have made” 

One of the best life choices I have made was to contact Phil regarding the problems I was having with the loss of my partner and the resulting IBS I was experiencing.

From day one I felt a connection with Phil; she showed a real understanding and quickly assessed the best course of action that I required.

She showed a real interest in myself and allowed me to take the lead in my remarkable progression in dealing with my problems.

I would definitely recommend her to anyone whatever the problem may be.

“The changes … have been unbelievable”
After having ups and downs with my anxiety (and the physical symptoms that it brought about) for some time, I decided to reach out to Phil to discuss Hypnotherapy.
During our initial appointment, Hypnotherapy was explained to me in a way that was easy to understand and that made it seem less daunting! Before this I really didn’t know what to expect. 
I then had a handful of Hypnotherapy sessions with Phil and the changes that I have noticed in myself since have been unbelievable. I’ve got my confidence back and feel in control of my own life again. For the first time in a while, I feel truly happy as I no longer have the weight of anxiety hanging over me.
I cannot thank Phil enough for our work together. She is amazing at what she does! 

“So much kindness, empathy and  compassion”

In short, Phil has changed my life.

For the past 12 years I hadn’t stepped foot in a dentist, had treatment or even entertained a routine check up. My decision to see Phil was on a whim, I was skeptical but thought nothing could be worse than twelve years of fear, toothache and sheer embarrassment!

As soon as I met Phil, my whole view on hypnotherapy changed. She explains everything in thorough detail, shows a genuine interest in you and your life and shows so much kindness, empathy and compassion.

There’s no judgement and the freedom to be honest, comfortable and open about things you find difficult. Phil has empowered me to be grateful, see the good in every situation and finally, to visit the dentist!! I truly couldn’t recommend her enough.

“I have my life back under control”

Phil has really helped me on my journey to find myself again. I suffered really badly with anxiety and sleeping problems at the beginning of our sessions and I could feel an instant improvement after the first time we met.

I now feel like I have my life back under control and I refer back to everything Phil has taught me over the past few months if I ever feel myself in a position where I feel overwhelmed.

Phil made me feel really comfortable from the second I met her, she understands everything you say and makes everything into a positive situation. On top of all that Phil is one of the kindest and most genuine people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

She’s not only a miracle worker but also a very inspirational woman who has really changed my life for the better.

Thank you Phil from the bottom of my heart. 

“My anxieties have improved massively”

I honestly can’t thank you enough for my sessions over the last few months.

It has really helped me through some tough times and I’m feeling so much better in myself and my anxieties have improved massively. 

I honestly couldn’t recommend hypnotherapy enough. Thank you again!

“Truly changed my life”

After seeing Phil’s advertisement for hypnotherapy, coinciding with a number of failed therapy attempts (CBT, talking therapy, EMDR) I decided to take “one last punt” on therapy before I looked to return to medication which had helped me previously.

My initial call to discuss my requirement for therapy with Phil really stands out in my head for a few reasons. Primarily, the warm embracing nature of Phil helping me to relax, to discuss some of the things that had led to me seeking help and most importantly to truly listen to my reasons, understand my position and to not try to fit me into a specific box of mental disorder/rigid treatment plan, as I had experienced with other therapy practitioners. This helped me early on to relax and gave me confidence that my actual issues were being addressed.

I had my reservations prior to starting about whether I’d be suitable given how preoccupied my own mind is and my inability to switch off. It amazed me each and every time how I could drift into the trance state.

As treatment went on, Phil saw me on good days and bad, where I was mentally overloaded and really over-faced with the idea of talking to someone when in that mind-set. However, Phil’s naturally calming presence and kind nature soon came through, showing me that she understood my current state of mind but in no time at all could help me to relax. Sure enough, after the hypnotherapy trance, I would feel completely reset and leave feeling somewhat buoyant. Night and day compared to how I had arrived.

A side to the therapy I hadn’t considered or expected is that Phil will explain to you/help you understand physiologically how you come to feel certain ways, why your body reacts and how your behaviour is influenced by so many things. This really, really helped me. I consider myself to be a very logical person who somewhat struggled with the fact I couldn’t rationalise a lot of how I have felt. Understanding all of this has led me to be able to apply things I’d learned through the hypnotherapy into the real world, away from the comfort of Phil’s sofa.

All in all, everything since my initial consultation through to completing my current block of therapy has been nothing but professional, comforting and has truly changed my life given how I now understand/manage my life.

As time goes on, I will be looking to return for ‘top-up’ sessions with Phil to keep me on the right track and in the right headspace.

Finally, all I can say is thank you to Phil for her dedication, knowledge, compassion, and professionalism throughout my current block of therapy.

“Very approachable, professional and very easy to talk to”

I had first approached Phil for help with my anxiety around water and swimming. I wanted to learn to swim as an adult after having a negative experience of lessons as a young child. We had worked for a number of weeks and she helped me to develop strategies to deal with my anxieties in life in general which in turn also helped me to relax more during my swimming lessons.

She explained how my brain works and how to relax and turn my thoughts into positive ideas and energy in order to tackle the challenge which daily family and work life throws at me.

Since we have completed our sessions I feel much more relaxed and able to face my fears.

Phil is very approachable, professional and very easy to talk to and I would recommend her and hypnosis to anyone whom might have phobias, fears and general anxiety in life.

“I would highly recommend Phil Noone Hypnotherapy“

Working with Phil over the past few months has allowed me to identify and work to resolve the anxieties, stresses and worries I’ve carried around for months, if not years. Since starting the sessions my confidence has grown exponentially, and I feel much more able to set and assert boundaries for the sake of my own health and wellbeing.

Phil is extremely warm, non-judgmental, and easy to talk to and I left each session feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. The Hypnotherapy aspect in particular was a wonderful way to relax and unwind after a stressful week, and the space Phil operates from is so comfortable and cosy.

I would highly recommend Phil Noone Hypnotherapy and am so thankful for the positive changes Phil has helped me to make in my life.

“An amazing therapist”

Phil is an amazing therapist, for years I suffered with anxiety, worry and self doubt, her therapy is life changing and I can’t recommend enough what a life changing experience it has had on me. Thank you Phil.

“A profound and positive impact”

Having suffered with anxiety for most of my adult life, the sessions I have had with Phil have had a positive and life changing impact on me.  I have developed the ability to understand why the anxiety happens and make changes in my life. This has had a profound and positive impact on both my life and wellbeing. I would highly recommend Phil’s services to anyone reading this.